Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Importance of Nice Displays For Handcrafted Si

Depending on the type of handcrafted silver jewelry you wish to sell - and how you want to sell it - there are a number of both traditional and non-traditional jewelry display tactics. If you were to search for necks, wrists and earring rack displays there would be hundreds of pages to provide you with ideas and guidance by doing research online. So before you can even choose from this many options, you need to decide how the handcrafted silver jewelry items will be sold. Through a party? Craft fair? Traditional brick-and-mortar retail store? Online through an ecommerce site? The options are many and plentiful.

Here are some great jewelry display tactics: (some of these are perfect for those do-it-yourself types who want to make their own jewelry displays)

Published at Sooper Articles

- Jewelry party display - arrange your handcrafted silver jewelry in 'highs and lows' with the longer pieces in back and the shorter pieces in front. Normally jewelry parties offer a smaller amount of working space so you must maximize that space you have to make it visually enticing.

No matter which type of sterling silver jewelry display you make, the importance of having a nice display cannot be overlooked. Often times you will have customers skim on your website or browse through your store and you may wonder why they didn't buy or why they didn't stay very long. It might not be the fact they don't like your jewelry. It could be the way it is displayed that makes the difference upon whether they buy it or just keep walking!

- Jewelry risers - These come in handy for people who do craft fairs, shows and carnivals. You can set up a table to display sterling silver designer jewelry on necks, wrists, ear pads, ring boxes and more.

- Live models - The new trend for using live models to showcase sterling silver jewelry is a great idea because it allows customers to see what the items actually look like on a real person. This helps to judge the length, colors and other characteristics of the jewelry. Sometimes it looks better on a real person than on the rack!

Artisans who are in the handmade silver jewelry industry often put most of their energies and focus on the handcrafted silver jewelry items they make. The goal is to sell it, yet many just forget about that "selling" part and focus on the creation process. This can be a mistake because paying customers are the bread and butter of your jewelry making endeavor. Therefore it would behoove you to take into consideration anything that will give your handmade silver jewelry a leg up over the competition.

pendant jewelry |By Mike Nielson on August 29, 2011

Types of jewelry displays for handmade silver jewelry

- Jewelry screens - If you have more room to work with, such as within a store, you can use a screen and pin up the jewelry items by category, such as earrings in one spot, necklaces in another, or entire sets together.

- Display stands - You can make jewelry display stands out of wire, necks with scarves, fake bustiers, or elongated stairways to display rings and smaller items.

One way to do that is through the jewelry displays. By making the jewelry look as appealing as possible "on the rack" it will force shoppers or browsers to give it another glance. A poorly staged display will only hinder the business from doing well because customers will simply keep walking by (or will browse on another site, etc.). Depending on the manner in which you have been selling your jewelry, adding a snazzier display could help to improve sales dramatically.

pendants wholesale |peridot jewelry set |

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